Bruce Sellery

Keynote Announcement: 2024 DC Plan Experience Forum

This year’s DC Plan Experience Forum will convene Canada’s leading DC pension decision-makers to discuss the myriad ways the DC space is shifting to improve outcomes for plan members. The theme, DC Evolution – Adapting for the Future, will focus on the shifting needs of plan members and the solutions plan sponsors are adopting to improve their experience. The agenda will include topics such as economic and capital market trends, private markets, sustainable investing, recent developments in target-date funds, plan member engagement solutions and case studies that spotlight innovative ways Canadian DC plans are meeting today’s challenges.

Bruce Sellery, CEO of Credit Canada, will be opening the DC Plan Experience on April 18th in Toronto with his session on the financial lives of DC Plan members and taking a quick look at the financial health of Canadians right now.

Interested in joining us at the 2024 DC Plan Experience Forum? Please contact Joanne Boccia at