How Nest UK is Engaging Members

The Canadian Leadership Congress hosted its inaugural DC Plan Experience in Toronto on February 9th. To help us out, we invited Will Sandbrook, managing director of Nest Insight, the research arm of the UK government’s workplace pension plan Nest. He focused on his experience with engaging plan members, including his perspective on what works and what doesn’t.

DC Plan Experience Keynote on the Limits of Financial Literacy

In advance of the event, we spoke with keynote Bruce Sellery, CEO of Credit Canada Debt Solutions. Credit Canada is a non-profit credit counselling agency dedicated to providing Canadians with debt relief. We asked him to share his unique perspective on how DC plan sponsors can best understand the financial needs of their members and engage them effectively.

Yves Tiberghien

What Is the Future of U.S.-China Relations?

At our Challenge of Change Forum last week, we hosted Yves Tiberghien, Professor, Department of Political Science, at the University of British Columbia. He spoke about Asia and the challenges and opportunities in the region, and he sat down with us to answer our questions about China, the U.S., and the future of the relationship.


Getting Risk Governance Right

Pension industry veteran, Michelle Ostermann is back in Canada after having worked as Managing Director at Railpen Investments, the in-house investment manager for the UK railway pension plans, since 2019.

The Bumpy Road to ESG Integration?

ESG and sustainability are big topics at our upcoming 3rd annual Challenge of Change Forum. And our latest research shows there will be plenty to talk about.

New Keynote: Stephen Poloz on Canada’s Energy Future

We are getting ready for the 3rd annual Challenge of Change Forum, happening in Vancouver from October 13-15. Our agenda addresses the important themes and issues Canadian plan sponsors are dealing with right now, including Canada’s energy future and where it fits for Canadian plan sponsors focused on ESG and sustainability.